Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Interesting Move By the Pope On Behalf of the Jews.....Hmmm...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Silence in the Busyness

It has been quite awhile since last time I wrote. Right now as I venture forth into the delectible atmosphere of "penning my thoughts", I am sitting in what has come to be a favorite place of mine where silence pierces the busyness of the world and provides a canopy of peaceful tranquility that draws me closer to the Father. And His Presence permeates my heart and all that is around me. I am actually sitting in North Heights Lutheran Church looking out over a courtyard that is covered with snow at the moment which reflects so beautifully the wintry season of what I affectionaly call Minne-snow-ta!

Sometimes I will sit here on Sunday mornings and marvel over God's creation seen in nature. The trees during this winter season show the hibernating demeanor of being "tucked away" for a time until spring starts to reaveal itself signifying it is time for newness to be born. For now we see this newness in hiddeness...amongst the trees laden with a few days old snow. Naturally as I sit here and ponder, I think of how I am in a season of newness that seems to be hidden and guided by the Lord in a mysterious deep passionate way as of late. Oh how His ways are so different then what we have experienced before! We truly have a Father that is so wonderfully masterful in His gentle leading us towards our destiny that is buried so deep within our hearts. I know this personally. Especially in the days that have recently passed. More trust of Him is being drawn from within my heart's chambers.

Will continue this tomorrow. At home now with the Fam and we are watching one of our favorite kids' shows....Olivia!
Ciao for now!

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009