Saturday, October 31, 2009

RT @NewAmericanMag Obama Signs Defense Bill With Hate Crimes Extension
"It's Been a Long Time Waitin'"....but It is FINALLY here !! TRANSFERRING WEALTH FOR HIS KINGDOM !! Check It Out !

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heavy Table !! Yum! Yum! We just became Friends on @foursquare! Way Cool !! I LUV Food !!!! ( )

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Looks Like Daniel 10-13 Is About To Be Fulfilled-Syria Joining The EU-So Thankful That HIS Kingdom Prevails !!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Obama World Order Government Is About To Be Revealed This December Unless We Stop it !! Take Refuge In Psalm 91 !!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Change Your Circumstances By Your Choices !! "People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord." Prov 19:3

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Deligitimizing The Jewish State | One Jerusalem :: Israel News & Analysis ( )
Celebrating 'Sanimals' 9th B-Day and Other Sundry Times !! *[:~)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 "T" and Karen my Lovely Wife getting ready to "head out" for a Day of Adventure !! *{:-)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Preparing for Service in the Rebuilt Temple!!!! - Israel National News ( )

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Watch Prophetic Prayer Alert from Cindy Jacobs for the month of October! - 10/01/09 on Vimeo!
Moves To Demonize Israel Seen Growing (
The "S*E@ S~O^N+S of Tran_si-Tion"...Slowly...Meta+MOR+phize into the >>>Center of Light<<< on my Blog

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Center of Light

I am listening to one of the most beautiful CD's....acutually a MP3 right now......and here it is BTW

There is a song on the album simply titled, "Center of Light". And it is the song that is so beautiful that I am listening to right now.

I have been listening to this song for about a week now and each time I listen to brings me to tears. At least at the beginning when I start to listen to it each time. It is the song that the Father has chosen for "littl' ole' me" at this time  in my life. It is so apropos for the time. This Season of Transition that I am in. This Fall. This mysterious.....wondrous.....glorious.....subtle.....amazing.....transcendent Fall. The Lord has been so close these last few days. His presence has been so strong that at times I have wondered if He is going to show up! I don't know about you......but....that "scares the pants off of me"! You know.....the One that Created this Universe.......the Prince of Peace......the Mighty God......the Wonderful Counselor........The Lion of Judah! I am reminded of the recent film of the Chronicles of Narnia....the first one that came out about 2-3 years ago.......yeah that one. Specifically where it is where Lucy is talking to Mister Tummus on the balcony of CarParavel(sp?) and she is looking at Aslan as he walks away on the beach and she sees him from afar. She says to Mister Tummus "will he be back?" And he says yes, but in his time. And Lucy is a little disgruntled and Mister Tummus says, "Lucy you must remember he is a good Lion, but not a Tame One." That is where I am at in life right now. I am experiencing at this season in my life The Lord's goodness and His Wildness at the Same Time. Hence....the changing of the Seasons. Transition.

Let's see where to begin.

Well it was about 4-5 years ago....give or take a few. :^) Where the Lord started to bring CHANGE in my life. Good change. I'll take you back to that time.

It was a cold blustery morning in November-early December and I was getting ready for work very early in the morning. A few minutes before I was "heading out the door" the Lord spoke to me so was not audible....I have heard His voice audibly before just not this time....but it was pretty darn close! I had been wrestling with the Not-So-Tame Lion of Judah...and not winning I may add :)....and he was dealing with something so deep in my heart that I not only did not know that it was there.....I did not have a clue about it at all !!

You see He had been speaking to me as I was going through the process of Finding My Heart In Him...which BTW is Our True is Hidden Deep in Our Hearts until He wants to bring it forth and out for His purposes. And a big part....if not huge part of dealing with any losses that are in your heart so you can grieve over them and come out on the Other Side whole for Him to pursue Him more passionately and purposefully. Walking in Your Purpose for Him. Well I had been asking Him for about a year now......"Lord what is my loss". I know it is there. BUt what is it? And it was this very cold November-December morning that I CRIED OUT to Him and said....."I can't take it ANY LONGER" !! And He knew I meant business! I mean c'mon....for a solid year no answer to the question! And then in His loving Not-So-Tame way.....He spoke something SO CLEARLY in my spirit almost to the point that He was shouting at me....I guess He wanted to "get back at me" :u) since I shouted at Him. We have such a REAL Father....don't we? And this is what He said to my question of what is my loss. "Full-Time Ministry".

 That is all He said and that is all that He needed to say. I can count on one hand the times that His voice has "shook me to the core" and this was one of them.....believe you me! It shook me so hard that I could not stop thinking about it for the whole day! I mean I said....."NO WAY" !! NO....IT CANNOT BE !! WHY?! LORD HELP !!!!!!

Now you may be saying, "big deal". And you are right because you are not me and I am not you. :u) But here's the thing. I had been chasing being in Full Time know " the where you get paid kind"....for pretty much my whole life! Ever since high school after I got saved! And that was a LONG TIME.......a LONG,LONG,LONG,LONG, LONG, get the picture ....time! It was about 21 years of my life chasing something that I was NEVER to have! Now...yes I was to be in "full time ministry" just like we all are who know Him....but a different kind of sorts. And I did not know it at the time, but He was going to show me His Full Time Ministry that was specifically made very special just for me! Just like He does for all of us.

Now you know why it shook me so when He said "Full Time Ministry". It was elating and horrible and terrifying at the same time. He knew just what to say. You see I did not know it at the time, but I was following someone else's dream for me and not His for me. And He lovingly and firmly wanted to make sure that I received His Dream for me. He is so loving that way.

He knew then and knows now, just what it is that makes me tick! And I came to find out that He knows much better about that .....and other things.....then I do. Ha Ha. And so it is with you too. Ask Him to show you your heart...what makes you tick....and He will show you....just be prepared...if you can...for the most thrilling ride of your life called Destiny....His Destiny for you. What He showed me since that cold blustery Minnesota morning is that even though I went to Bible College for 4.5 years, got a B.A. in Bible and Theology with a minor in Missions; was "sized up" by my family and friends that I was called to full time paid ministry and would be in that some day...He had not chosen that carreer path for me. He chose something totally different that fits me like a glove.
Which brings me to the place in the story where He showed me what that was and is. (Yes...I know....I am not supposed to end a sentence with a helping's just that I can't help it sometimes:)

So...I asked Him that Wild morning...Lord what is it then? What is My Heart in You? And He told me....and that was about 4 years ago....and it has taken that long for what He told me to "sink in". You see right after I graduated from Bible College....I tried to get into full time ministry somehow....some way. And He just would not let me......and now I can honestly say......THANK YOU LORD !!!! I don't think I would make it one day in that arena now. Whew!

So...where did he send me right after Bible College?

He sent me into Business......and that is where He has had me stay ever since. Now here's the thing. I HATED the time because I was ALWAYS and I MEAN ALWAYS chasing that "proverbial carrot" of full time ministry. And that is why I HATED business so! I saw it as a means to an end...not the means that He had chosen for me. And He had TOTALLY different ideas. TOTALLY different ideas. It took me 26 jobs, 19 years later in EXTREME failure....yes I am "hard-headed" think?? SEE what He was doing in my life and where He was taking me.

So.....after that beautiful mysterious cold morning....very cold....He began the process of "warming my heart" towards business.

I started travelling to a  few Kingdom Business seminars-conferences around the country...and I started to Find My Heart In Him. But....try as I seemed that something just did not fit. And for that I will write later about the Seasons of Transition. For now I have to "head upstairs" and grab some grub...Karen is getting Quiznos today.....Yum...Yum !! See you in "Blogger-Ville" soon. Til we meet again along the Destiny Trail....

Monday, October 05, 2009

Ever Wanted to Know "What's the Hub-Bub bout' Twitter, but were afraid to ask?! Well here is your 'Cheat Sheet'! :^)
Brand "Spanking New" Blog I Have That Is...."Lookie Rite Cheer" :^) Future Prose: Biz, Life and G-d !!

Seasons of Transition

You know how a season will just "creep up" on you? Well, that is how I feel about this Fall coming into Minnesota and in some really interesting ways into my life right now. There seemed to be some signs of the seasons changing, but then it just came in with a gentle bang! One minute everything was temparature I mean.....and then it started to cool down and then before you know was Fall. One of my favorite times of year. Fall....oh how beautiful! Or as I like to say......beauti-mus !! :@)

Just like there are transitions during the changing of the seasons, so there are transitions in life as well. I would like to take this time to share it with you. Right now though I have to "head back upstairs" from my "humble abode office" in the basement that is.....and help Karen with Micah and Tiara. My turn to help "T" while Karen helps Micah with his math for home school and I help T with her reading. Being home is so wonderful.....some times. :u) Talk to you soon.