Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Beginning of the "In"

Well, as promised here is some of Chapter 1 of my book "In". As a note, this is the rough draft of the piece and moving forward I will "tweek" it as apropos. As things progress I hope to have a web site up here soon with more "In" and I hope you really like the reading and are blessed as I have been in writing it! God Bless you !!

The story begins on a very cold blustery day in Manhattan. The island was bustling that day in a very peculiar light....a very peculiar light. It was not because the people were hurrying or scurring, but something was in the air and one could not pinpoint exactly what the essence of "x" was. You just knew it was there. It seemed to match the goings of the day and the day had just begun. 
As everyone was starting their day and some were ending it based on their work, everyone was flowing in an almost startling, congealing matter. Movement was and is the character of the island. Nothing new here. Just that something gave a definition of new movement and most could not "pick-up" what was taking place that cold winter day. But some could. Some could. And those few were about to venture forth into another "all worldly" dimension that would take them places. Since hardly anyone knew what was and was about to take place, hardly anyone was prepared to know how to respond. Of the few who did, there was a youthful boy named Jake that was predestined to journey the invitation. And this is his story.
Jake had just gotten his driver's license a few years before and it was almost approaching the very exact day today when he first caught a glimpse of the mysterious card holding it in his hands. It was all that he desired for years. Kind of ironic since he lived on the island and really had no need since the train sufficed and met his need for transport. However, just like most boys his age, it was a satisfaction, although brief, to his seeking soul brimming with intense passion of wanting more. You know. A good way to describe the feeling would be thinking of one of your deepest desires that has not been revealed in its time to you yet. And therefore, the longing you have, gnaws at you, but you almost feel embarrassed when it brings itself to your mind and you courageously convey the feeling to friends and or family and they just don't "get it". And the truth is, they are not supposed to. That is one of the ways that you know deep down inside that it is special to you. Although you still ponder why they don't "get it". The same with Jake. His soul would pine for something deep within him and would never let him study it long enough to see it clearly. He,....just like the rest of us....just knew it was there and somedays, the drive to seek and know more of it, gave him the energy that he needed to call it another day on the island. By this going on deep inside him, it was this day that a surprise would visit him and make the cold windy blustery day become more warm to his being. 
Jake's friends had text him on Saturday to gather at their usual place on Tuesday...this day. The city had already had its typical seasonal mundane Monday and this Tuesday was especially a welcome to the day before its predecessor. It was fairly early in the morning; 8:37am to be precise. He had just gotten off the train and smiled as he overheard some tourists talk about what they referred to as the subway...something that hardly any true New Yorker says about the train. The train is the train is the train. Period. To New Yorkers it is just a way of life for most. Unless you happen to reside on the Upper East Side and taxi your way to your planned destination. Most people though rely on the train and if it is a good day, are thankful for it. As Jake moved on with his day, and the voices of the tourists were clear due to the winter air, he laughed out loud a little not at...okay at....but with the tourists. A typical event on a New York day. 
Jake was just about to enter the place of coffee, relating to its euphoric steaming aroma, when his eye caught one of his friends that was in view just over one of the parked cars. It was Amy who he really liked, but she hopefully as far as Jake wanted, did not know it. It was challenging for him to hide his attraction to her and he would sometimes,even throughout the weeks, wonder if she even knew about his desire of her. He had known her for about a year now and she was a transplant from overseas and her dad worked for some big corporation that decided to have its second headquarters here in the city. It was originally founded somewhere  in Germany and her dad was from America and relocated back to the States after his short founded stay in Europe. And Amy was still adjusting to the sub culture of New York and once in awhile compared it to her former German home that she occasionally secretly wanted to see again. And that longing and others that she had brought a deeper understanding of her and Jake's friendship. But of course, she too wanted something more in her friendship with Jake, but she was intrigued by their relationship cause she had never met a friend like Jake before. They could relate in many ways. And those similarities were about to merge in a beautiful flowing current that amazingly seemed to reflect the wondrous picturesque of the East River. Oh if they could have been prepared together for the underlying agenda that started to permeate their minds and souls and spirits. It was closer than they both realized. It was about to unveil and unravel to them so that the adventure would begin. 
The will of the adventure was unfolding right around them and was drawing near to their hearts and enlightening the path of their destiny with them being oblivious to its natural plan. And they both were being invited ever so softly but also as they would discover a gentleness of voracious love that they were beckoned to experience.


  1. I'm drooling in anticipation of reading more. Uncle Johnny, this is really good. You have an awesome way with description. I can't wait to see where this story goes!

  2. Thanks Aaron. Glad you like it man!
