Friday, April 23, 2010

Come UP Here.....Go Jetting!

As we move closer and closer to our predestined destiny with Our Glorious Father, something that I believe that we will start to see and for some experience now and for others experience more in the future as we begin to see the curtain close on these Last Days will be......Come Up Here! And in my little nomenclature or choose....will be Jetting !!

Ever since I was a little boy for whatever reason I have so enjoyed flying and I mean specifically jet flying. I love jets! Anyway that you cut it.....I love to fly! Although there sometimes can be a "love-hate" relationship with the experience. Believe it or not....even though I love to fly I find that it can be terrifying as well with a capital "T"! I don't pretend to understand this, but I would like to draw a parallel with what we deeply love we may also be terrified of it and hence with what the Lord is doing right now as we speak and as I write....bringing us closer to Him by telling us to "Come Up Here"! Just like He did in the Book of Revelation. However we need to know and realize that the enemy is right there in our ears whispering and sometimes shouting that Coming Up Here is not real and thus needs to be avoided. So what the enemy does is sow doubt and unbelief into our hearts to try and keep us away from more of Him which He lovingly wants us to experience.

Now granted there are experiences "out there" that are not from the Lord and the Lord will give us discernment based on His Word to know the difference. But what I am talking about here is bona fide experiences from the Lord Jesus and He wants us to Come Up In and know Him more. For after all He is Supernatural and desires for us to know Him this way. He always has as history portrays and paints His beautiful tapestry through time with such people that we know i.e. Abraham, David, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. And of course the ones that are closer to our time than the Old Testament saints....yes they were saints through their faith (see Hebrews 11) and elsewhere. There were the New Testament saints such as Peter, John, Timothy, Paul, Mary and Martha, Lazarus (now he was one that definitely experienced what the Lord was telling John in Revelation....what do you think he was doing for those 3 days?). And I could go on and on and on.

What started me writing this is a conversation that I had with my Dad today who is a believer who recently heard about the book called, "The Shack". Now that book has some definite controversy attached to it, but as one who is about three quarters through it, I do not agree with everything that the author believes....but you know what....I would say there is not that much in there that is not too far from the truth. As a matter of fact, I really enjoyed it and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit used it to speak to me at a level of His love that to this day I have yet to experience through writ, except the Holy Scriptures! It is that good! But, unfortunately, my Dad did not see it "eye to eye" and even said that it was from the pit of hell. I basically said to him respectfully that we could agree to disagree and we moved on from there. The reason that I bring this up is because as we, as Christians, progress forward in time in these Last Days, I for one believe that He is bringing Heaven to earth in these Last Days and enveloped in that bringing is plain and simple.....Him. He is bringing Himself to earth in a way that has not been up til now and here is the scary part that is full of hope to the Believer....we simply realize that we may not know Him like we thought we knew Him. For people He can be down right scary at times (which BTW it says in the Word) and at the same time incredibly comforting and loving. Who are we to say what He is really like really? As Paul said in Corinthians, "we see through a glass darkly".....but here is the point that I believe He is bringing out like never before in reference to that verse.....but He has revealed it to us by His Spirit! In that passage Paul talks about how we do not know what the Father has stored up for us in heaven....that we cannot even imagine it or even fathom it. But the encouraging thing is that right after Paul says that he says....."but He has revealed it to us by His Spirit"! So, what I believe that says is just like it says....He reveals to us by His Spirit what is stored up for us in Heaven and we can experience Heaven here now! That is why I believe the Lord is sounding a clarion call at this point in history.....that NOW is time to know Him supernaturally and "see" what He has in store for us in the future and now! Pretty cool....ay?!

And that brings me to my next point. I have been writing a book for quite some time now and now have about 2-3 chapters written. It is a book about Michael the Archangel coming down from Heaven  disguising himself as human in order to have fellowship with some people specifically in New York City. And specifically these people are Jews and Michael is coming to them to subtly and supernaturally reveal the truth of the Messiah to them. Now, will the book have controversy attached to it similar to, "The Shack"? I can't answer that yet, but I venture to say that there will be some controversy aligned with it. As a matter of fact I can pretty much guarantee it. But I would imagine that Daniel of old and John of new (Revelation), encountered some controversy along the way and even were persecuted for it. To that I say, bring it on for I had a stroke about three years ago and hopefully by God's grace  the experience has been so redeemed by Him that it has aided in my being a dead man and so controversy and persecution....although not fun in any stretch of the imagination.....would be able to be bore and even rejoiced in as His cross for me to bear for Him. For He bore so much more for me!

So, be on the lookout soon for my website and the book being posted and shared as the Lord leads. The book is aptly called, "In" from the kingdom concept of "the Kingdom being within you" (loosely paraphrased...something that for those that know me.....I do quite often....but at least you get the gist and can go and look up the reference yourself). My hope, prayer, desire and goal is to have the book completed by the fall of this year. I am looking at this point in having it be a 7-8 book series and there have even been some who have believed that it could be a movie down the road. But that is for another time and place because I along with flying have also had a tremendous passion for Hollywood and so we will see where He leads from here! Got to get back to the book. Really, it is time for me to "fly up" from my office in the basement of our house and "head up" to get some grub with the rest of my family. Also as I side note, I will be writing more in the future on my blog and if you want to subscribe to my "humble notes" you can do so and I would love it! See you soon.

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